The Quantum Cats of Arbor Day – Chapter 5

As the bus shuddered to a stop at a red light, cars and trucks and mopeds in the other lane zipped past the trees lining the sidewalks. Most were saplings with small leaves just beginning to unfurl, but the bright yellow aspen on the corner stood taller than any of them. It certainly had more cats—three, by his count.

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The Quantum Cats of Arbor Day – Chapter 1

Today was Arbor Day, and Noble Redavich was very late. It was the kind of lateness that couldn’t be politely ignored or waved away with a simple “no worries, grab some coffee and let me get you up to speed.” This was lateness that required long explanations, back and forth volleys of excuses and rebuttals, clarifications and even borderline accusations of laziness and lack of dedication. This was lateness that might just make it into an employee review or get brought up during termination proceedings, somewhere after the “we regret to inform you” but around the beginning of the litany of answers to “but why?” He had a good reason. The key was going to be pushing past the initial incredulity and disappointment to even have the opportunity…

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