I want to do everything
He said
Not realizing how impossible that was
In the space of one lifetime
You’ll have to pick and choose
She warned
She had a sense of the scope:
Ten thousand hours each
Was what they usually recommended
Anything less wasn’t worth it
You might as well buy it at Costco
In bulk
The store brand is pretty good
Better than what you could make yourself
Here’s the thing
He replied
I’m already in so deep
I don’t think I can turn around
I think I have to keep going
And just see where I come out
You aren’t going to like it
She said
I have to try
He said
Her shoulders fell
And then she shrugged
As if to say
Suit yourself
I know it won’t be easy
He started to say
I don’t care
She said
And she walked away
He was left by himself
And he felt a moment of doubt
Very near to panic
Then he set his jaw
And kept going