Commentary: Deadlines and Other Imaginary Animals

I am consciously missing today’s publishing deadline for the first time since I started regular updates last year, and…mixed feelings. I scrambled last week to put up a recent poem, and I think that worked out pretty well (people do love cats). This week, life just got in the way.

First, let’s establish that this is an arbitrary deadline. I’m not getting paid. There’s no contract.

Second, let’s establish that it’s still important. A deadline provides some urgency, which keeps me writing. And, I feel that there’s value in establishing and keeping to a schedule, especially as I learn more about being a content creator. Consistency and frequency both matter.

But third, I’m still in the “this is supposed to be fun” stage of things, and I hope that continues. There’s plenty of stress from other parts of my life (not the least of which is my actual paid job), and sometimes something’s gotta give.

I find that I get creative in spurts, and I need to continue to leverage that by scheduling content ahead of time for those times when the words aren’t flowing too well. That’s the plan, anyway.

So, back to the text editor. I’ll leave you with a bonus haiku:

Hard work may pay off
Someday; procrastination
Pays off right away



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