My story isn’t done
I want to make that clear
There are pages
And pages
And chapters
And volumes
Yet to write
(I hope)
(I believe)
I am the protagonist
In the story of my life
And that’s the way it should be
There are more stories to tell
Yours and yours
And his and hers
And theirs and theirs
And if I do not have a role
A part to play
That’s all right
But if I do
However small
How wonderful to play that part
To speak those lines
To dance that dance
To sing
To hit my mark
In timely fashion
Or listen to
Another’s lines, or songs
Or simply walk across the stage
With townspeople, crowd, chorus
In your story
I am grateful
To be in it
For whatever role I’m granted
My lasts might be your firsts
My end, a chance to be
A part of your beginning
So remind me that
I may not come this way again
But you will
And I get to be part of that
Future memory of your story
And that makes it all worth it
supporting cast